
Weeding the Aspidistra (Part 3)

Players: Gabe, Talos and Kendrick (from last week) plus Yana, an alien pilot. Ten Days Later…. Yana, a no-nonsense soldier and pilot from the Alais system gets a private message from the XO. “Ten days ago I sent a team to cripple the Aspidistra. Last I heard, there was some kind of accident on the station and the […]


Weeding the Aspidistra (Part 2)

Session 1, Part 2 (Crap! I left it too long to write this up, and forgot the details. Sorry! Any participants reading this – feel free to email and jog my memory, and I’ll update it.) The team head to Docking Bay 94 – the bay is locked down, but surely there must be records […]


Weeding the Aspidistra (Part 1)

The players: TALOS the hacker android; KENDRICK the dour human engineer; “GABRIEL” the mutant kleptomaniac, fixer and compulsive liar. Session 1, Part 1 The party were all gathered in one of the ship’s cargo holds, turned into an impromptu briefing room (a few chairs, a holo-projector, that sort of thing). After several minutes of waiting, […]


Recovery from the Malcontents

Characters: Erlenmeyer (helpful robotic labourer); Edwin (veteran security chief of the Stymphalian); Xenon (chaotic evil mercenary*). Game: Orison (v2.9..ish), my under-construction sci-fi RPG. Thoughts: Tom seemed to enjoy running the session but agreed it was a different beast to WRFP, as the GM doesn’t roll any dice (a la Apocalypse World et al.) Henchmen need some work […]


Orison Writeup: January 2013

If you’re reading this and wondering about the system itself, the finished PDF will be on this site… someday. If you’re interested in getting it right now, let me know! Actual Play, 10/01/2013: Orison (The Midguard Ring, Finale) The Characters Raleigh, the friendly engineer with a bionic arm; Edwin, the perceptive ex-miner with an exotic […]


RPG design in the “Lady Blackbird” style

So I’ve been recommended Lady Blackbird a couple of times and it’s been in the back of my mind to build something based off it. (Obviously I can’t just play the damn thing as written, that’d be far too straightforward.) So far I have a new, sci-fi setting (taking some cues from things like Star […]