Remember: (There’s the man, the biz, and the crews. The crews fight each other, and the biz keeps the peace. The man sits in the middle and gets richer off the victor. If you’re not with a side, you’re screwed from all angles. The crews run the blue-collar stuff. The biz are the middle class. […]
Tag: RPG
Altai Keep

It’s owners destroyed by the templars of the Stolen Faith, Altai keep has been abandoned for centuries. But new evidence suggests the masters of this frozen mountain castle have returned. The minotaur lords of Altai laid waste to a dozen villages before an army of templars managed to overthrow them. their return could mean the end […]
Recovery from the Malcontents
Characters: Erlenmeyer (helpful robotic labourer); Edwin (veteran security chief of the Stymphalian); Xenon (chaotic evil mercenary*). Game: Orison (v2.9..ish), my under-construction sci-fi RPG. Thoughts: Tom seemed to enjoy running the session but agreed it was a different beast to WRFP, as the GM doesn’t roll any dice (a la Apocalypse World et al.) Henchmen need some work […]
Orison Writeup: January 2013
If you’re reading this and wondering about the system itself, the finished PDF will be on this site… someday. If you’re interested in getting it right now, let me know! Actual Play, 10/01/2013: Orison (The Midguard Ring, Finale) The Characters Raleigh, the friendly engineer with a bionic arm; Edwin, the perceptive ex-miner with an exotic […]